Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Caitlin Has Officially Left Texas

Day 3: Wyoming is windy.

No, seriously. It was so windy today we couldn't use cruise control. How ridiculous is that? But I guess when there's 600 miles of nothing with an occasional mountain thrown in, the wind has a lot of room to gather some speed.

And it does.

But anyway, today we got up after having stayed with my great Aunt & Uncle (thanks guys!) in Chipita Park, just outside of Colorado Springs. We ate breakfast, took a little tour of their cabin(s) and then we were on our way. We stopped at the Garden of the Gods on the way out (it was like 2 miles away).

It was really beautiful.

After the largest tourist shop in the country (the Garden of the Gods Trading Post) we headed north towards Denver. We actually hit Denver before we realized we were there. We were too busy looking at the white-peaked mountains to our left. They were gorgeous! I was driving so Amanda got all those shots on her camera. We just can't get them off yet. I'll post those later.

Then we got to Wyoming (where it's windy).

Here's what eastern Wyoming looks like:

Flat green expanse under blue. Monotonously beautiful.

And here's western Wyoming:

That's Elk Mountain. See that white stuff on top of that rock? That's called snow.
In June.
Amanda got super excited when we drove through a snow flurry (in June!). We have lots of pictures of pockets of ice along the hills to the south of the road.
Tomorrow we drive through some of the prettiest country around, the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. We will of course have lots of pictures. So far, we haven't seen any wildlife other than cows. We do have some cow pictures though (for those of you who don't know, Amanda wants a brown baby cow). And lots of cloud pictures (Amanda also wants a cloud). It's 11:30pm mtn time and we have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to end this here.
Three days down, seven more to go.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Lovely Wyoming. I forgot about the wind. I drove through there in October, and it was stinkin' cold! Also brown instead of green.

How are the tumbleweeds? I think they count as local wildlife.

Looking forward to the next installment. Just think! You're almost to Alaska!

well...kind of...