Monday, June 23, 2008


The first indication that you've switched to a foreign country is that everything converts from English/Spanish to English/French.

Yes, that does say "Fort Whoop Up". This was taken on the main drag through Lethbridge, AB.

The first hotel room of the trip. This was the extent of the room. It was pretty tiny.

This was the ceiling outside.

Home of the Flames, best hockey team EVER.
Day 2: Moose Sign. We did not see an actual moose until around Day 8.

One of my favorite pictures.

This is what Canada looks like. All of Canada...

Sasquatch Crossing Lodge and Restaurant. The woman assured us that we would see LOTS of moose from here on out. She lied. It would be another two days before we saw our first moose (for the record, we only saw 2 the entire trip, and only got pictures of one).

Amanda really liked the Sasquatch.

This was a mama bear and two baby bears. They were RIGHT off the road. We actually had to turn around and go back to get these pictures because we passed them too fast the first time. As Amanda said, "It's not like we have anything better to do."

It rained on us a lot while we were in Canada. Amanda loved it. I did not.

This was a curious pyramid-shaped mountain. It was pretty cool. Somewhere in British Columbia, I think, though it might have been the Yukon. They kinda blended together.
There were a lot of roads like this. Right on the mountain. And the guardrails were placed arbitrarily, not where they would actually do the most good.

Canada is almost as pretty as Montana.

Bighorn sheep. They were pretty small, really. But they were also right off the road.

All the wildlife were shedding their winter coats, as Amanda's little brother (he really is a genius) informed us.

This is Muncho Lake. Yes, the water was actually that color the entire way down. It was pretty amazing.

Ah, buffalo. I think I like them because they have little old man faces and curly tails.

Why did the buffalo cross the road?

To get to his babies on the other side. Just kidding. These were actually a different herd several hours later. Amanda wants one because they look like baby brown cows.

This is another mama bear and two baby cubs. They were a lot further up this giant hill than the other one, but these are really young babies. I want a baby black bear.

See how cute the little mongrel is?

This buffalo was just chillin on the side of the road. I think he ate too much grass.
And the point of driving. Our first moose. We came upon him as he grazed, again, right off the road. We were the only ones for miles, and so we just sat there and filmed footage and snapped picture after picture.

He was a very photogenic moose.

We believe he posed especially for us.

He would stop every couple feet and just look right at us. He was probably waiting to see if he needed to charge us and demolish my car. He was eventually scared off by a giant RV that decided to speed past us doing 65 (or 110kmh, for those of you who are "metrically challenged"). Have you ever seen a moose run? They are adorably gangly creatures. He reminded me of the main character from the cartoon "Zits."

I'm pretty sure this was Watson Lake (the lake). It was WAY prettier than Watson Lake (the town).

This was the road to Whitehorse. It got even better.

This is Whitehorse, as seen from the road leading to our yurt fort encampment. It was SO much more charming than Watson Lake.
And this was the road to Alaska. It only got better.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Hey, the moose on my postcard doesn't look like that moose! In looks more like a...caribou?